The Newman House Catholic Community at Binghamton University welcomes you: no matter your race, religious affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, your personal history, or your past or current affiliation with the Church. Whether you want to be involved in service, faith sharing, social events, liturgy, or any combination of these services, we are delighted to have you and hope you feel comfortable in doing so. Please know that you are welcomed, loved and accepted in this place. Our community is made better through every individual’s presence among us.

Students who attend secular colleges and pray at campus Newman Centers have John Henry Newman to thank. Below, Pope Benedict XVI celebrates the beatification Mass of Cardinal John Henry Newman at Cofton Park on Sept. 19, 2010, in Birmingham, England, in front of more than 60,000 faithful. Cardinal Newman was canonized a saint Oct. 13 in Rome.

Our Mission is to serve the spiritual and social needs
of the students at Binghamton University through campus
ministry and build a Christ-centered community of
worship, service, social activities, leadership and zeal for the Gospel.
Newman House is located within walking distance from BU’s main campus at 400 Murray Hill Road, Vestal,NY. From East Drive
Follow the walkway through Newing College residential community between Bingham and Broome Hall.
If commuting, on-street parking is available on Murray Hill Rd.
God be glorified in us always